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The effect of exposure to geriatric care on nursing students’ interest in elderly patient care in Federal University, Otuoke

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

Geriatric care is an essential component of healthcare, given the increasing aging population worldwide. Nursing students' exposure to geriatric care during their training can significantly influence their attitudes and interest in elderly patient care (Johnson et al., 2024). The aging population presents unique healthcare challenges, including chronic disease management, palliative care, and age-related cognitive decline, necessitating skilled and compassionate nursing care (Brown & Miller, 2023). However, despite the growing need for geriatric nursing specialists, studies indicate that many nursing students show little interest in pursuing careers in elderly patient care due to preconceived negative perceptions about working with older adults (Smith et al., 2024).

At Federal University, Otuoke, nursing students undergo clinical placements in various healthcare settings, including geriatric units. However, the extent to which these experiences influence their career choices and attitudes toward elderly care remains unclear. Research suggests that structured exposure to geriatric patients, coupled with mentorship and education on the rewards of elderly care, can enhance students' interest and engagement in this field (Grant & Okechukwu, 2023). Furthermore, positive clinical experiences with elderly patients can shape students' perceptions and help dismantle stereotypes associated with aging and geriatric care (Thompson et al., 2024).

Despite these potential benefits, some nursing programs do not prioritize geriatric care, leading to a lack of interest and preparedness among students to care for elderly patients post-graduation (Adams & Stevenson, 2023). This study seeks to evaluate the impact of exposure to geriatric care on nursing students’ interest in elderly patient care at Federal University, Otuoke, and explore the factors that influence their career preferences in this field.

Statement of the Problem

The global increase in the elderly population has heightened the demand for well-trained geriatric nurses. However, nursing students often exhibit low interest in working with elderly patients due to various factors, including negative societal attitudes toward aging, lack of exposure to geriatric care, and perceived difficulty in handling age-related conditions (Williams & Turner, 2024). This growing disinterest poses a challenge to healthcare systems, as fewer nursing graduates specialize in gerontology, exacerbating the shortage of healthcare professionals in elderly care settings.

In Federal University, Otuoke, nursing students engage in different clinical rotations, including exposure to elderly patients. However, it remains unclear whether these experiences foster greater interest in geriatric care or reinforce existing negative perceptions. Some studies suggest that early exposure to geriatric patients can improve students’ confidence and motivation to work in elderly care settings, while others argue that without proper mentoring and structured experiences, students may develop further disinterest in the field (Gonzales & Mackey, 2023). Therefore, this study aims to assess the effect of geriatric care exposure on nursing students' interest in elderly patient care and identify strategies to improve their engagement in this critical field.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the impact of geriatric care exposure on nursing students’ interest in elderly patient care at Federal University, Otuoke.
  2. To identify the factors that influence nursing students’ attitudes toward geriatric care.
  3. To determine whether structured mentorship in geriatric care enhances students’ willingness to pursue careers in elderly patient care.

Research Questions

  1. How does exposure to geriatric care influence nursing students’ interest in elderly patient care at Federal University, Otuoke?
  2. What are the key factors that shape nursing students’ attitudes toward geriatric care?
  3. Does structured mentorship in geriatric care increase nursing students’ willingness to specialize in elderly patient care?

Research Hypotheses

  1. Exposure to geriatric care significantly increases nursing students’ interest in elderly patient care.
  2. Nursing students' attitudes toward geriatric care are influenced by factors such as societal perceptions, clinical experiences, and mentorship.
  3. Structured mentorship in geriatric care has a positive effect on students’ willingness to pursue careers in elderly patient care.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on nursing students at Federal University, Otuoke, who have undergone clinical exposure to geriatric care. The study does not include practicing nurses or students in other healthcare disciplines. Limitations may include variability in students' personal experiences, attitudes before exposure, and external influences such as family backgrounds and cultural perceptions of aging.

Definitions of Terms

  • Geriatric care: The specialized care of older adults, focusing on medical, psychological, and social needs.
  • Elderly patient care: Nursing care provided to individuals aged 65 and above, emphasizing chronic disease management, mobility support, and palliative care.
  • Structured mentorship: A guided educational approach where experienced healthcare professionals mentor nursing students in specific clinical areas.

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